
Geek Niche

I've got to hand it to these guys.

You've got to love the Internet when it fosters the entreprenurial dreams of a couple of D&D geeks who just want to sell dice, dammit.

Check this description of one of their dice sets, which is a perfect example of geek humor: "These stylish dice feature swirls of white against black, like wisps of smoke rising into darkest night. Or--you know--whatever. "

If you don't know what a d12 is, I don't really have space to explain it to you here. But suffice it to say that if you never found yourself and some buddies locked down in your parents' basement with a half-dozen 2-liters of Jolt and an insane amount of Rush cassettes and Cheetos on any given Saturday night in middle school, you probably wouldn't understand anyway.

Live the dream, dudes! And if any of you need dice, dicepool.com is where it's at.


Gabe said...

that rules. i think i still have my old bag of dice somewhere. it's a blue silky thing with a gold drawstring. and i had the pimp-daddy of all dice that wouldn't even fit in the bag: the d100! sure, it wasn't very practical and didn't always work too well, but man, was it cool.

MariGerard said...

I must admit- I too am familiar with such dice, and I can actually say that one of my best friends from high School still runs a Sunday D&D game with his buddies in Va. Beach that has actually been running since 1987. I forwarded him the site for dice..they might need new ones by now. :)

SDCrawford said...

Did you take the "what dice are you" personality quiz yet? It's linked on my blog.

Jen V. said...

I admit: I have no idea what you guys are talking about...

Joe said...

Doh! I forgot to give Sarah props. Her quiz is how I came across the site.....