We're coming down to the wire on our move-in date, which means that I've really got to buckle down and get the house's collective shit together. This (long) weekend I got quite a bit accomplished:
1. Take out AC outlet and replace with normal, three-pronged outlet in living room: check.
2. Prime front bedroom: check.
3. Prime hallway (1st coat only): check. Note: Jeez-o-pete, this is a hellish job. To the people who sold us our house, I say a hearty "screw you and your idiotic purple, impossible-to-paint-over paint job."
4. Re-install kitchen cabinet handles after Mom's thorough cleaning: check.
5. Clean fridge and freezer: check. (Jenny did this.)
6. Clean and paper closets: check. (Jenny did this, too.)
7. Shop vac washer/dryer area: check.
8. Install pegboard in kitchen to hang pots and pans on (Julia Child style): check.
9. Painted the front bedroom's walls (trim and touch-ups TK): check.
There is so much to do yet, but we're slowly making progress. I don't have to work on Dickweed's inaguration day, so that's a whole extra day to paint, etc.
Now we need visitors! We're currently taking reservations. Jane and Sarah have already claimed one weekend in May, but other than that we're wide open....come visit us!