The newest edition of Rudy Panucci's fantastic videoblog, Radio Free Charleston, is now online! After the end credits roll, The Feast of Stephen, my old band, is featured in an Easter Egg doing a blistering version of "No Vaccination." It takes a minute to download the whole thing, due to the general crapitude of the Charleston Gazette's servers, but it is worth the wait, let me tell you!
This was the second take of the song with no prior rehearsals whatsoever. It's amazing to me that we could be so tight as a band after so long apart from each other. Fun stuff.
Here's what some comments on Rudy's blog had to say:
I’d only heard of The Feast Of Stephen. Never got a chance to see them. The name is spoken in hushed tones, as though holy relics are being discussed. That was awesome beyond belief. I can’t wait until episode 23. --Mexican Romeo
Jesus Christ, man. That extra song after the end credits is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen from the local music scene. Kudos all around. When do we get to read the notes on that? --Longtime Listener
...But the surprise song. I didn’t even know Bob Miller was still in the area. Melted my aging heart to see The Feast Of Stephen perform together. I can’t wait for episode 23! --Mountain Woman PhD
You hit us with Whistlepunk 2.0, which is amazing, and then you BLAST OUR BUTTS OFF with Feast Of Stephen!!! How are you gonna top this? --Fred Martin
Thanks for the compliments, folks! I can't wait for episode 23 either!