
Far-away Friends

I was thinking this morning after writing an email to one of our S.F. friends that Jenny and I are both very lucky to have so many fantastic people in our lives. I, especially, have moved around a lot in my life, and now that Jenny has done the coast-to-coast transplantation, she's getting a taste of how bittersweet it is to know that you have friends all over the world, even though you might not get to see them in person as often. Still, no matter where you all are around the world (10 states and five countries...and counting!), please know that we value your friendship immensely and love you all! Keep in touch with us and we promise to do the same!

And start a blog, for god's sake!


Gabe said...

I totally agree and can definitely relate! I, too, feel really lucky to have friends across the country and around the world.

Jane said...

We love us some Jenny and Joe!