

I have to go into the opthamologist today to have minor eyelid surgery. I'm really dreading it, as it involves several sharp objects being inserted into my face. I'm not good with needles in the best of circumstances, and having someone poke one into my eyelid is not the most fun thing I can think of to do this afternoon. Wish me luck.


Jane said...

Ewww. Sounds awful. Good luck!

SDCrawford said...

So you are finally getting that droopy eye fixed eh? Next thing we know you'll have your saddle bags sucked & your chin implanted. Post pictures!

MariGerard said...

I have catarac surgery coming up this winter- and its two and a half hour and you are AWAKE!!! might be why I have put it off for two years...good luck man!! Can't wait to take you to Al Capones Bar in October- they have Groovy Jazz!!