
Time travel

Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
A few thoughts on time today.

First, is is me or do you also feel like 1993 could've been yesterday? Despite all evidence to the contrary (see hilarious photos at right, provided by the fantastic Mariangela), I really don't feel any different now than I did then.

I have changed...obviously. But on an everyday level, I still feel the same. I have this theory that everyone has a life-changing year or so, that once you've hit it, your personality and tastes are forever locked in that era. For a lot of us, including me, that year or so happens around your junior year of college.

I studied abroad that year and it completely upended my worldview and turned me into a vagabond for years, unable to settle down in one place or attach myself emotionally to one person (until I met Jenny, that is). In 1993 I found The Person Who Would Be Joe. Even now, my style, politics (see photo) and tastes (ignore photo) now are essentially "locked" in that era, which explains why every band out now both sucks AND blows.

What was your life-changing year?

On another time related front, check out the waffle theory. About fricking right.


Gabe said...

I agree, Joe. One of my profs my senior year of college said pretty much the same thing. Her theory was that the "you" you'll be for the rest of your life is usually solidified at 21 or 22.

For me, it was 22, which was 1999, when I graduated from college. It marked the beginning of the new and current "me" for many reasons. Not only was I taking my college experienece into the real world with me, but I was developing my relationship with Jen, moving into my own (non-college) apartment for the first time, getting my first post-college job, expanding my world view, etc.

I've always been interested in this topic and may ellaborate more on my experience in my blog.

MariGerard said...

Daily I wake up and think...when did time start moving like lightning....I thought you might get a kick out of those shots..I've got plenty more if ya ever need them. : )