
Crack! Ow!

While drying my head after showering this morning, I heard a large "crack" in my neck bones and, immediately after, sharp pains shot down my back to my beltline and my arm. Severe pain when looking down has continued all day. This sucks. I need a massage BAAAAAD.


John Radcliff said...

No Joe, it sounds to me like what you really need is a posture pal! And, maybe a real guitar that doesn't weigh more than you! Hehehehehehehehehehehehe!

MariGerard said...

Welcome to the land of the OLD. My knee makes this snap crackle poping sound everytime I go up stairs. If I tilt my head to far to the left or right my neck makes the worst sounds ever-and if I sit on my arse too long and then try to get up and walk right away-I am all stiff and painfull in the knees and lower legs...ya turn 30 and everything starts breakin' down! Yoga and a good massage can do a world of good.